Nick – Your Local Friendly Pet Sitter

Pets Homes & Gardens in Godalming and Guildford is run by Nick Ridley, who has grown up in Surrey and, over the years, owned many precious pets. Being an animal lover, he understands just how treasured and important our furry family friends are.

pet sitting from phg guildfordToday, many owners want specialist care and attention for their pets when they’re not able to look after them, and they will go to great lengths to ensure their animals are always in a caring and loving environment. And that’s where Nick, and the services he provides, fits perfectly with these requirements.

Previously, like many other pet owners, he was often faced with the tricky dilemma of what to do when going away as he soon realised that you can’t always rely upon the support of friends and neighbours.

What you really want is someone who is dependable and knows what they’re doing to ensure your pets are safe, happy and content, and you can then go away confident your pets are being cared for by someone you can trust. “We have been on holiday on several occasions and spent most of it worrying about our pets and unable to fully relax! My job is to take this angst away so that you can relax and enjoy your time away.”

So for Nick it was an obvious step to become part of the PHG team, allowing him to provide his love of animals and pet care experience through a range of dedicated professional services.

To get more details about the exact service you require, please either phone or use the contact form displayed on each page.

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